My Vegetarian Week

My Vegetarian Week

As an experiment, I decided to not eat meat for a week to see how my body would react. My family eats it for dinner roughly five nights a week. My body is used to having meat either with my lunch or dinner every day. I didn’t realize how difficult this would be, but was up for the challenge.


 Image Credit: Fooducate

Throughout the week my family made various types of meat for dinner, so I had to eat something different from them. I would either eat romaine lettuce with ranch dressing or any vegetables and starches that were made for dinner that night. Every morning for breakfast I would eat scrambled eggs and peanut butter with bananas on whole wheat toast. Since I work at a pizzeria I ended up eating pizza during my work shifts. If I was not eating pizza I would eat salads or pasta. I usually have chicken in my salads but now I decided to include other ingredients like tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions for a change.

Throughout my week I found myself eating too many carbs. In the future, I would look up new recipes to try so I’m not always eating the same foods. I have never thought I could become a vegetarian, thinking it would be too difficult. This week proved to myself that not eating meat is a challenge but it is not impossible. Moving forward, I’m going to attempt to not eat it so often and try doing No Meat Mondays, gradually within time, adding on another meatless day. I think meat is a great source of protein but I learned I rely on eating it too much. My body didn’t crave it, but during the week I struggled to figure out what to eat in replace of it.

I’m happy I tried this experiment for myself and look forward to keep challenging myself in other ways.

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